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They Did It! 40 Students in Rising Ground Family Foster Care Program Graduate

Bob Knight

In what is being described as an "academic milestone," 40 students in Rising Ground's Family Foster Care Program have overcome challenged and have moved up or graduated this year. A special event was held at Brooklyn Borough Hall on June 28th where children and their foster families celebrated the achievement, which was made even sweeter because, according to the National Foster Youth Institute, more than 40% of school-aged children in foster care have academic difficulties.

When children and youth rise above adversity to perform well in school, there is cause for celebration!

The Rising Ground event recognized the academic advancement of 40 of the children and adolescents in its foster care program as they move up from kindergarten, fifth grade, and eighth grade, or graduate from high school. It celebrates all the people who contributed to these students’ success: foster parents, birth parents, mentors, and staff.

Academic success often eludes students in foster care because of the trauma and uncertainty they experience in their lives. By providing a stable foundation of support for students in foster care, Rising Ground helps students rise above these challenges. The nonprofit recruits and trains foster parents to provide a loving and safe home while working with birth parents toward family reunification.

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